My name is MatthewRudy, and I'm a Rails Developer. I am.... MATTHEW RUDY ON RAILS!!!

Whoops! Rails security flaw.

Yeah, I accidentally messed up my whole website.

All because I did a bit of stupid HTML.

<%= text_field :post, :name %>

And the controller didn't save me from this hell:
def create
@post = @user.posts.create(params[:post])

If only I'd made the model safe...
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
def name=(value)
self.connection.execute("DROP DATABASE my_production_db")
self[:name] = value

As you can see,
I messed up bad,
should never have let that :name param get past the controller.

My solution...
def create
safe_params = params[:post].except(:name)
@post = @user.posts.create(safe_params)

Lucky I spotted this before we went live!